I don’t believe the Bible has ever promised happiness and certainly not teddy bears. I’ve certainly never gotten a teddy bear anyways. The presumption that the Bible is all fluff and happiness times is a misconception. The theophany (or experience of God) that Jacob has ‘wrestling with the angel’ is a good example of that. If you look at what happens to Jacob, who gets his name changed to Isaac because he “has striven with God and with human and has prevailed,” happiness is not a direct result of his victory. No, God or the angel or whomever (the Bible isn’t really clear on that, due to how sparse the language is and using more than one term to describe the “man” throughout the story) dislocated the poor guy’s hip and because of it he limps the rest of his life. Ouch. I don’t think a new name fixes that. (Certainly needs a teddy bear now, doesn’t he?)
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Third Blog Question: Response
Vividly written, clear, on target.
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